There are about 13 contributing organizations who shared the knowledge products of water sector of Bangladesh including the reports, policies, plans, guidelines, agreement, MoUs, etc. in the repository.

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The repository contains a total of 27 categories of knowledge information collected from the different national and international organizations based on the overall water sector of Bangladesh.
There are 42 publications relevant to water sector of Bangladesh available in the knowledge repository as off today.
The total no. of reports available in the repository is 185.
The Knowledge Repository has a significant collection of Law, Acts & Policy documents which is about 38 in numbers till now.
A total no. of 718 national level planning documents from different water sector agencies are available in the repository.
There are 8 Agreements and MoUs available from different water sector agencies.
A total no. of 0 Modeling Tools are available in the repository.
The repository contains a total of 1 Workshops and Seminars in the repository.
View list of Categories.
This category has been used to search any document relevant to acts, policy, rules and guidelines of any organization. There are about 38 acts, policy, rules and guidelines available in the repository at present.
Research and publications category has been included in the system to find any relevant document efficiently. There are about 42 research and publications available in the repository at present.
As a large no. of documents are reports, this category helps to identify these reports easily. There are about 185 reports available in the repository at present.
The planning related documents goes under this category which is used to get plans smoothly. There are about 718 plans available in the repository at present.
To search any document relevant to agreements and MoUs, this category is the best option for the users. There are about 8 agreements and MoUs available in the repository at present.
The modeling tools is a category to make the searching facility for modeling documents. There are about 0 modeling tools related information available in the repository at present.
Different types of documents relevant to workshops and seminar of different organization have been organized under this category. There are about 1 workshops and seminar related information available in the repository at present.